1971 年版不列顛(英國)鷹匠俱樂部 行為規章
I General
1. Falconry is the sport of taking wild quarry in its natural state and habitat by means of trained hawks.
2. The keeping of hawks as pets is not falconry, and is contrary to the policy of the British Falconers' Club.
3.The members of the British Falconers' Club must endeavour by all means to promote the welfare and future survival of hawks in the wild state in a world where modern development are increasingly unfavourable to their future.一.總則
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ⅱ Observance of the Law
Members are under both a legal and a moral obligation to observe the Laws and customs of the United Kingdom and of foreign countries with regard to the taking, import and export of hawks, the taking of quarry species, and the right of access to land in the country concerned.二.守法
III Conservation
The breeding stock necessary for the survival of hawk species is the haggard population, members shall not, save with the consent of the Committee, which shall only be granted in exceptional circumstances, take or acquire haggards of any species. In the case of eyasses and passage hawks, members shall restrict themselves to the minimum number required for their sport having regard to all the relevant circumstances.三.保育
IV Ethics of Care and Training of Hawks
1. Hawks must be properly housed, fed, equipped, trained and exercised.
2. NO more hawks should be kept than can be properly cared for in accordance with the preceding paragraph.
3. A falconer shall only keep a hawk if he can be sure of giving it adequate flights in suitable country at suitable quarry.
4. It is recommended that if possible all hawks be flown with Aylmeri jesses, to improve their chances of survival if lost, and that they should be marked to facilitate their identification and restoration to their owner if recovered, Every endeavour must be made to recover a lost hawk.
5. Hawks that are no longer required must either be handed on to a falconer who will treat them in accordance with this Code or be returned to the wild. IN the latter case, the hawk must be in good feather, in high condition, and reasonably capable of killing for itself. In case of doubt it must be hacked back. Hawks should not be released or hacked back in an unsuitable habitat, and on no account should species not indigenous to the British Isles be returned to the wild in the United Kingdom .四.照料和訓練鷹的道德規範
V Commercialisation
1. The exhibition or display of hawks by individual members, whether or not for profit, is contrary to the policy of the Club. Members may however take part in official displays organised by responsible bodies, if these displays have obtained the prior approval of the Committee.
2.Members must avoid interviews with the press, television, and sound broadcasting companies. A member who is approached to take part in such interviews should reply that the Rules of the British Falconers' Club do not allow him to do so without the sanction of the Committee. He must get in touch with the Honorary Secretary if he wishes to take the matter any further.
3. Members wishing to provide material for publishing, to take part in films or plays, or to give lectures, should first consult the advisory leaflet to be obtained from the Honorary Secretary and obtain his sanction.
4. Members shall not traffic in hawks, that is to say, buy, sell, lease, hire, exhibit or display them for profit on a commercial basis, This does not stop falconers from making reasonable payments to conscientious agents for hawks which are to be flown in accordance with this Code.五.商業化
VI Enforcement
The breach by a member of the British Falconers' Club of any of the provisions of the Code shall be deemed to be action injurious to the interests of falconry within the meaning of Rule 18, and shall render him liable to disciplinary proceedings according to the provisions of that Rule.六.執行
VII Definition
In this Code, the word "hawk" includes falcons, hawks, eagles and any other diurnal bird of prey capable of being used for the sport of falconry.七.定義
VIII Commencement
This revised Code shall come into force on 12th of November 1971.八.施行
此修正之規章於1971年 十一月十二日 生效。
Notes on British falconers' Club Code of Conduct不列顛(英國)鷹匠俱樂部行為規章細則
I General
The growth of falconry in recent years has resulted in an increasing demand for hawks, at a time when wild populations have been substantially reduced by pollution of the environment all over the world by chlorinated hydrocarbons and similar toxic chemicals. The damage which this increasing demand may do to wild populations has alarmed falconers and conservationists alike, and attempts have been made to control the actions of falconers by law and through the codes of conduct of falconry organisations.
While genuine falconry may not be detrimental to wild populations, in that hawks flown regularly at quarry have a good chance of returning to the wild, the same cannot be claimed for hawks kept in collections, as pets, or in aviaries.一.總則
II Observance of the Law
To control the demand for hawks and ensure that those taken fall only into the hands of genuine falconers, there are laws restricting the taking, import and export of hawks.
There are many, however, who believe that hawks taken for falconry are a total loss to the wild breeding population, that falconry is at best unnecessary, and moreover, that since considerable effort is needed to control it, a simpler solution would be to ban it altogether or strangle it by totally restricting the supply of hawks.
Every single case of falconers acting in defiance of legal and moral restrictions, whether involving the obtaining of hawks, taking of quarry, or anything else, serves to strengthen the case of those who oppose falconry, while the numerous beneficial actions of falconers are frequently overlooked.
It is therefore absolutely vital that members of the BFC not only provide no ground for criticism themselves, however justifiable they personally may feel some possibly controversial action to be, but also actively dissuade other falconers from so doing.二.守法
III Conservation
Although captive breeding may appear an inviting means of obtaining hawks and improving the conservation image of falconry, most experiments at present fail to produce young or even materially increase our knowledge of the requirements for captive breeding. The International Association of Falconry and Conservation of Birds of Prey, of which the BFC is a founder member, has laid down that captive breeding projects should only be conducted by qualified scientists or falconers with many years' experience.
Only careful systematic research, for which few are qualified, will result in the development of successful techniques. Many hawks are hard to obtain not because of rarity in the wild, but because concern at a growing demand has caused restrictions to be placed on their supply. A general rush to obtain extra hawks for breeding, haggards often being specifically required, would only inflate this demand yet further, with the risk of even greater restrictions being placed on the supply, and it is unlikely to materially increase the rate at which successful techniques are developed.
Although the Club has no objections to birds flown by falconers also being used in breeding projects, captive breeding is not falconry in the sense of this Code.三.保育
IV Ethics of Care and Training of Hawks
The vast majority of falconers' hawks are obtained from the wild. If they are properly cared for and flown regularly they may eventually return to the wild and raise more hawks.
Aylmeri anklets and field jesses do not become caught up in cover, so that a lost hawk has a good chance of surviving to be recovered or breed. The Club plans to initiate a scheme for marking members' hawks and providing them with Aylmeri jesses.
Hawks lost or hacked back in unsuitable habitat are unlikely to survive. On the other hand, the survival of alien species could result in their displacing our native species, which would not only deprive us of the use of our native hawks, but would also severely damage our reputation with the conservation bodies whose good will is essential to us.四.照料和訓練鷹的道德規範
V Commercialisation
It is the experience of the Club that publicity which involves falconry serves only to increase the demand for hawks, many of which are wanted as status symbol pets and not for genuine falconry. It may result i the illegal taking of wild hawks, often by those with inadequate knowledge of how to look after them, and thus seriously damage the reputation of falconry as a whole.
We therefore request members actively to avoid any publicity involving falconry, and to be wary of publicity involving hawks in general. This means saying "no" to requests for a picture or a story by reporters for local press, radio and television, but doing so politely and explaining why. The Club will not take lightly the involvement of members in sensational publicity.
Members are advised that the sale of hawks obtained under licence is illegal. The Club keeps a list of hawks offered for exchange or passing-on, so it is not really necessary for members to make use of more public channels of advertising to obtain hawks.
It was the establishment of an expanding trade in hawks, which were often imported and housed in conditions resulting i many deaths, which made necessary the present restrictions on the import of hawks. This trade arose as a direct result of publicity creating and increasing demand for hawks.
Members are therefore advised not to encourage other people to take up falconry. Those who require encouragement do not usually make good falconers. Long experience has shown that real falconers do not ever need to be encouraged.五.商業化
I General
1. Falconry is the sport of taking wild quarry in its natural state and habitat by means of trained hawks.
2. The keeping of hawks as pets is not falconry, and is contrary to the policy of the British Falconers' Club.
3.The members of the British Falconers' Club must endeavour by all means to promote the welfare and future survival of hawks in the wild state in a world where modern development are increasingly unfavourable to their future.一.總則
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ⅱ Observance of the Law
Members are under both a legal and a moral obligation to observe the Laws and customs of the United Kingdom and of foreign countries with regard to the taking, import and export of hawks, the taking of quarry species, and the right of access to land in the country concerned.二.守法
III Conservation
The breeding stock necessary for the survival of hawk species is the haggard population, members shall not, save with the consent of the Committee, which shall only be granted in exceptional circumstances, take or acquire haggards of any species. In the case of eyasses and passage hawks, members shall restrict themselves to the minimum number required for their sport having regard to all the relevant circumstances.三.保育
IV Ethics of Care and Training of Hawks
1. Hawks must be properly housed, fed, equipped, trained and exercised.
2. NO more hawks should be kept than can be properly cared for in accordance with the preceding paragraph.
3. A falconer shall only keep a hawk if he can be sure of giving it adequate flights in suitable country at suitable quarry.
4. It is recommended that if possible all hawks be flown with Aylmeri jesses, to improve their chances of survival if lost, and that they should be marked to facilitate their identification and restoration to their owner if recovered, Every endeavour must be made to recover a lost hawk.
5. Hawks that are no longer required must either be handed on to a falconer who will treat them in accordance with this Code or be returned to the wild. IN the latter case, the hawk must be in good feather, in high condition, and reasonably capable of killing for itself. In case of doubt it must be hacked back. Hawks should not be released or hacked back in an unsuitable habitat, and on no account should species not indigenous to the British Isles be returned to the wild in the United Kingdom .四.照料和訓練鷹的道德規範
V Commercialisation
1. The exhibition or display of hawks by individual members, whether or not for profit, is contrary to the policy of the Club. Members may however take part in official displays organised by responsible bodies, if these displays have obtained the prior approval of the Committee.
2.Members must avoid interviews with the press, television, and sound broadcasting companies. A member who is approached to take part in such interviews should reply that the Rules of the British Falconers' Club do not allow him to do so without the sanction of the Committee. He must get in touch with the Honorary Secretary if he wishes to take the matter any further.
3. Members wishing to provide material for publishing, to take part in films or plays, or to give lectures, should first consult the advisory leaflet to be obtained from the Honorary Secretary and obtain his sanction.
4. Members shall not traffic in hawks, that is to say, buy, sell, lease, hire, exhibit or display them for profit on a commercial basis, This does not stop falconers from making reasonable payments to conscientious agents for hawks which are to be flown in accordance with this Code.五.商業化
VI Enforcement
The breach by a member of the British Falconers' Club of any of the provisions of the Code shall be deemed to be action injurious to the interests of falconry within the meaning of Rule 18, and shall render him liable to disciplinary proceedings according to the provisions of that Rule.六.執行
VII Definition
In this Code, the word "hawk" includes falcons, hawks, eagles and any other diurnal bird of prey capable of being used for the sport of falconry.七.定義
VIII Commencement
This revised Code shall come into force on 12th of November 1971.八.施行
此修正之規章於1971年 十一月十二日 生效。
Notes on British falconers' Club Code of Conduct不列顛(英國)鷹匠俱樂部行為規章細則
I General
The growth of falconry in recent years has resulted in an increasing demand for hawks, at a time when wild populations have been substantially reduced by pollution of the environment all over the world by chlorinated hydrocarbons and similar toxic chemicals. The damage which this increasing demand may do to wild populations has alarmed falconers and conservationists alike, and attempts have been made to control the actions of falconers by law and through the codes of conduct of falconry organisations.
While genuine falconry may not be detrimental to wild populations, in that hawks flown regularly at quarry have a good chance of returning to the wild, the same cannot be claimed for hawks kept in collections, as pets, or in aviaries.一.總則
II Observance of the Law
To control the demand for hawks and ensure that those taken fall only into the hands of genuine falconers, there are laws restricting the taking, import and export of hawks.
There are many, however, who believe that hawks taken for falconry are a total loss to the wild breeding population, that falconry is at best unnecessary, and moreover, that since considerable effort is needed to control it, a simpler solution would be to ban it altogether or strangle it by totally restricting the supply of hawks.
Every single case of falconers acting in defiance of legal and moral restrictions, whether involving the obtaining of hawks, taking of quarry, or anything else, serves to strengthen the case of those who oppose falconry, while the numerous beneficial actions of falconers are frequently overlooked.
It is therefore absolutely vital that members of the BFC not only provide no ground for criticism themselves, however justifiable they personally may feel some possibly controversial action to be, but also actively dissuade other falconers from so doing.二.守法
III Conservation
Although captive breeding may appear an inviting means of obtaining hawks and improving the conservation image of falconry, most experiments at present fail to produce young or even materially increase our knowledge of the requirements for captive breeding. The International Association of Falconry and Conservation of Birds of Prey, of which the BFC is a founder member, has laid down that captive breeding projects should only be conducted by qualified scientists or falconers with many years' experience.
Only careful systematic research, for which few are qualified, will result in the development of successful techniques. Many hawks are hard to obtain not because of rarity in the wild, but because concern at a growing demand has caused restrictions to be placed on their supply. A general rush to obtain extra hawks for breeding, haggards often being specifically required, would only inflate this demand yet further, with the risk of even greater restrictions being placed on the supply, and it is unlikely to materially increase the rate at which successful techniques are developed.
Although the Club has no objections to birds flown by falconers also being used in breeding projects, captive breeding is not falconry in the sense of this Code.三.保育
IV Ethics of Care and Training of Hawks
The vast majority of falconers' hawks are obtained from the wild. If they are properly cared for and flown regularly they may eventually return to the wild and raise more hawks.
Aylmeri anklets and field jesses do not become caught up in cover, so that a lost hawk has a good chance of surviving to be recovered or breed. The Club plans to initiate a scheme for marking members' hawks and providing them with Aylmeri jesses.
Hawks lost or hacked back in unsuitable habitat are unlikely to survive. On the other hand, the survival of alien species could result in their displacing our native species, which would not only deprive us of the use of our native hawks, but would also severely damage our reputation with the conservation bodies whose good will is essential to us.四.照料和訓練鷹的道德規範
V Commercialisation
It is the experience of the Club that publicity which involves falconry serves only to increase the demand for hawks, many of which are wanted as status symbol pets and not for genuine falconry. It may result i the illegal taking of wild hawks, often by those with inadequate knowledge of how to look after them, and thus seriously damage the reputation of falconry as a whole.
We therefore request members actively to avoid any publicity involving falconry, and to be wary of publicity involving hawks in general. This means saying "no" to requests for a picture or a story by reporters for local press, radio and television, but doing so politely and explaining why. The Club will not take lightly the involvement of members in sensational publicity.
Members are advised that the sale of hawks obtained under licence is illegal. The Club keeps a list of hawks offered for exchange or passing-on, so it is not really necessary for members to make use of more public channels of advertising to obtain hawks.
It was the establishment of an expanding trade in hawks, which were often imported and housed in conditions resulting i many deaths, which made necessary the present restrictions on the import of hawks. This trade arose as a direct result of publicity creating and increasing demand for hawks.
Members are therefore advised not to encourage other people to take up falconry. Those who require encouragement do not usually make good falconers. Long experience has shown that real falconers do not ever need to be encouraged.五.商業化
譯者按: 這是我十四年前發行鷹獵通訊最後翻譯的幾篇文章,時光苒茬一晃眼,我已從在臺灣橫衝直闖的遊戲少年,變成中年老成只會書空咄咄的異國遊民。
鷹獵只是猛禽及獵物資源的一種使用方式,賞鷹、拍鷹及吃素或禽、畜也是一種使用猛禽及獵物資源的方式,傳統捕捉猛禽加以訓練、放獵,隔年再野放的鷹獵,和拿望遠鏡觀賞都是一種對猛禽資源輕度的干擾(猛禽以眼力銳利著稱,你確定拿望遠鏡或相機在遠處觀賞拍攝就不會侵擾他們嗎?)這些活動都需法規的管理規範,才能避免對資源產生不可恢復的負面衝擊。不捕獵的人雖不直接獵殺動物,一幅君子遠庖廚的態度,但因食素或家禽、畜而墾荒種地、除草、翻土、灌溉,對原生物種棲地及土壤、水文生態系的破壞及長遠,遠甚於低強度的以鷹獵取。雙方有需要互相指責彼此的資源利用方式嗎 ?
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